Mise au point. Le secrétaire général du CCME dément avoir accusé certains ministres de travailler sous des pressions étrangères

Par Maghreb Intelligence

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  • Souad Talsi MBE avril 15, 2021 à 10:59

    Good ethics in journalism, requires integrity and impartiality. Had you considered contacting Dr Boussouf for his *right to reply* before publishing the erroneous in facts article beforehand, you would have saved yourself this serious faux pas in journalism. Right to respond SHOULD ALWAYS be sought, it is right, ethical and gives your site credibility in the business of news. As the UK member of CCME, I invite you to join us in requesting transparency in debate about the said agreement and the potential impact on our diaspora. Those responsible have failed spectacularly in consulting and taking into account the potential damage, this might have on our community. We are NOT against the agreement as the positive potentials are great for the country but the immediate fear, ramifications and confusion within our diaspora MUST be addressed and urgently. You should be calling for the minister in charge to have the courage and address the current crisis within our diaspora. This has caused more havoc than Covid-19!
